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this is an independent, multiverse portrayal of regulus âme dupois, an original character i have been developing for 5 years.my writing is based primarily in an urban fantasy setting, and the dc/marvel (comic) universes. i do also focus heavily on his other au's, available on the verses page.i don’t tolerate transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism, discrimination, or any other form of hatred on this blog or elsewhere. jkr is a piece of shit, and i will not interact with anyone who plays her antisemitic video game.


this blog often runs on a ghost queue, which means that even though i may look active, i might not actually be online. i am here every day but my activity is much slower than it used to be in the past. i tend to give priority to plotted interactions and developed dynamics.

ships & relationships

i am very receptive to writing romantic relationships, deep, platonic friendships, familial relationships, enemies, and any other sort of relationship between our characters. romantically, regulus is notoriously stubborn and difficult to work with. he has a lot of personal issues to work through and has a tendency to self-sabotage. please don't ever take regulus' reluctance or stubbornness as an indication of my feelings on a ship!


i am very selective with whom i follow, as i prefer a slow dash. if i follow you, i absolutely want to interact with you. i rarely follow first.please allow up to a week for follow-backs, as i always read through rules + about pages before following back, and i don’t always have the energy or mental presence to do so. i also don't follow until there is at least a rules page on the blog, but i will check back every few days to see if one has been added.i will not follow anyone under 21 years of age, and will not follow anyone whose age is not listed on their blog.i do not follow hp blogs, write in the hp space, or write with hp muses — even in non-hp verses. i am also unlikely to follow multis that primarily feature hp content.

mains & exclusives

i don't usually practice exclusivity, but i have a list of main partners and interpretations with whom i have a lot of development. you can find this list here!

blog content

due to the nature of this character, there will be dark topics referenced on this blog such as child abuse (in his backstory), suicide (in the form of self-sacrifice), and death. these things are always tagged to my fullest ability, and i will absolutely avoid referencing them in threads with partners who would like to avoid them altogether!i personally don’t need any triggers tagged, but i will tag the most common ones with “trigger tw” and will happily tag anything that needs it.


i am primarily focused on mutual interactions and engagement. i will always do my best to extend interest and engage with my partners' posts; if i am following you then i absolutely want to interact with you, and would prefer to fill my space with people who feel the same in return. i will typically break mutuals after a few months of no interaction or ooc engagement.that said, i'm a busy person with a job and a life and i know my mutuals are as well! i don't expect anyone to engage all or even most of the time. my main concern is in making sure that both my mutuals and myself feel "seen" as a part of the dash!plotting and ic threads are mutuals only. i don’t mind receiving ooc asks or im’s from non-mutuals. i love crossovers, and have verses that can adapt to almost any setting.


my name is g! my pronouns are she/her, and i am 32 years old. i have been on this blog since 2017 and love meeting new people and forming new dynamics. my discord is available to mutuals only upon request.


though the development of this character is a product of my own analysis, lore, and worldbuilding, he did originate as a plot device character from the hp universe, mentioned in name only. there are details of his origin and my separation from that origin here. i do consider him my oc, and do not consider him to be the same "regulus" that is mentioned in hp.

the regulus multiverse

the content of this dossier describe the narrative journey and traits that are true in every, or almost every, verse. small adjustments will be made on a per-verse basis to fit the setting (ie. in star wars, "magic" becomes "the force").


regulus is a powerful magic-user belonging to an ancient ancestral line of meda, a global sub-society of sorcerers who pull their magic from maega, their celestial god.


regulus' story is constructed around the themes of true redemption, growth, change, and personal identity.it is the study of someone who was raised to follow blindly and yet wanted more. someone born only to be an extension of a family name, with a whole person waiting just under the surface begging to be seen. someone with an innate sense of empathy, and no way to understand it.someone who was never meant to be the "chosen one" but fights, anyways, because he has to.


you were born in a silver palace — a little king without a crown and a mirrored throne cloaked in emerald velvet. you opened your eyes to a thousand shadows cast over your face, the permanent stain of those who came before; and you reshape yourself to fit in the empty spaces between them.at the breakfast table they feed you caviar and lies; spread wide a lavish feast of fruits and deceit and you engorge yourself on the world they sell to you. you consume it until you are consumed by it, and it shapes your hateful ideals. a spoon-fed belief that your magic makes you special and your ancient lineage turns sideways, stacked like a tower beneath your polished boots. far below you, they turn up their heads and see your shadow cast over their face.you were not born to be loved. oh, you are loved — but never the way in which you deserve. you are an instrument, part of a collection. you are a polished hand mirror reflecting the faces they point into it. and beyond your glass surface, there is nothing — they have never built anything there. as hollow as the shadow you live in.war consumes the world beyond your palace walls. you are offered across the marble threshold as a token of good will; in the exchange, you have secured their crumbling tower walls — this is what you were born for.but there is something else out there, just past the threshold. something that they told you should not exist. for the first time their feast runs dry, and you consume the world raw and unadorned — and when you return to your silver palace you taste only lies.

the honey-slicked and sugar-dipped deceit can no longer trick your learn-ed tongue. the glass face of your hand mirror shatters and the shimmering silver walls around you tarnish in the frigid air.but you are not done. there is a free and unexplored world in front of you and a tether knotted to your ribs — and you realize that you still love them. maybe it makes you twisted. but you cannot leave the poor creatures who made you this way — because they are made of the same stuff as you. you turn again to the war beyond the threshold but you call it by name, now. and the instrument that you are is firmly in your own grasp.you hold a polished hand mirror in front of your face — constructed as meticulously as did the hands that made you — and it hides your shattered glass. they see you not for what you are, but for what you were born to be. behind their own reflection they cannot see the traitor in you that they themselves have made.'i have never hated living in their shadow,' you say, 'because the shadows make it easier to move.' and under the cover of their darkness you jump diagonally, once space at a time, across the board — because you have discovered what they hide behind their reflection. and you prepare a new exchange of your own making: your shattered glass in return for a pristine tower.this is why you were born. you were not born to live.


regulus was born a second son to quentin and emelda dupois, in a wealthy, powerful family of meda (sorcerers) who have completely lost touch with their ancient roots. what was once a scholarly, innovative people have throughout the centuries become distrustful and hateful of the nonmagical world and all those without inherent, superhuman ability.they are all of them a product of those who came before them — each generation growing more twisted and full of rage. in this environment regulus was taught that the nonmagicalfolk would never understand them, never accept them, and never stop hunting them. he learned to hate them.though his parents loved him and his brother, they never loved them in the way in which they needed. they withheld their affection, teaching the boys that there is strength in repressing one's thoughts and emotions. there is no room for compassion, affection, love, caring — these are tools to be used against you. regulus learned to reject his sense of empathy and with it, himself. he was never allowed to be an individual, only ever an extension of his family name.when regulus was still a child, an underground organization of meda who called themselves vespera gave rise to the notion that the meda should reveal their magic openly to the nonmagical world. while vespera gained followers, the other half of meda society liked living with their magic in quiet secret — and believed they would be safer for doing so. the meda were quickly entrenched in civil war, which regulus joined at age 16.

by age 17, regulus had become fully disillusioned to his family's ideals and to vespera's cause. he had always been an obedient, underestimated boy, but observant — what he discovered was that anwir v wiles, leader of vespera, had invented the 'cause' as a means to gain power for himself. anwir was attempting to create a malice, a magic-made, "winged beast" and entity of malevolence, and with it secure the world under his personal rule.at age 18 regulus discovers the location of the malice, still in egg form, in an aqueduct beneath the epicenter of anwir's war. from there the egg has been feeding on the pain, misery, terror, and hateful energy of the war reaped above it — and regulus knows that it will soon hatch. in an attempt to protect his family and repent for his mistakes, regulus destroys the malice. he knows it will kill him. he sacrifices himself willingly, so that the secret of his betrayal will die with him.unfortunately, he lives.

current day...

following his betrayal of vespera, regulus is faced with the difficult undertaking of rewriting his entire worldview and reshaping his understanding of good and bad.he has no guidance in this. regulus is completely alone. he learns to accept his mistakes, and resolves to grow from them. he is determined to find the 'better path.' whatever that means, and never return to the person he was once made to be.somewhere along the way, he learns to reconnect with his ancient family roots — with their innovation, and sense of discovery. he learns to play with magic, to lay a foundation of knowledge and build from it. he is closer to maega, his goddess, than anyone in his family has been for centuries.by his 30's he has managed to carve out a quiet, private life for himself — and although regulus has always believed that he was not made to be loved, the solitude burns.by his 40's he has fully reconnected with his familial roots — he is a magical innovator, scholar, and sits in the upper echelon of those with rare magical knowledge. he is more powerful than he reveals himself to be, and has learned to live with the solitude he was doomed into.from his 50's until death, regulus lives out his existence as a meda in secret. he has enormous wealth, and no one to share it with. an enormous manor, and no one to fill it with. he pours himself into his magic and his beautiful gardens — and tries to ignore how empty he feels inside.


full name: regulus âme dupoisnicknames: reg, reggieage: 20 - 60+ (timeline and interaction dependent)height: 5'8 (173cm)languages: english, french, latin
(verse dependent: bsl, dead languages)

public demeanor: quiet, aloof, controlled, mysterious, poised, coldprivate demeanor: animated, playful, caring, vulnerable, warm, impish
merits: patient, open-minded, understanding, clever, resourceful, confidentflaws: prone to self-sabotage (in his relationships), prideful, unforgiving
likes: his garden, quiet & rainy afternoons, reading, collecting antiques, painting & drawingdislikes: empty flattery, being lied to or mislead, nosiness, closed-mindedness, untidy spacestalents: researching, learning, gardening, painting & drawingweaknesses: cooking, optimismfavourite foods: french pastries, sweets, fresh fruitsinstruments: piano, violin, flute


the content on this page covers the core parts of my worldbuilding and lore around which regulus' backstory is structured. there is a lot of deviation from this in specific verses, the information for which can be found in the writeups for those verses. the descriptions here will be the ones for his mainverse and comicverse – the verse used most often.in general, my worldbuilding and verses are made to be adaptable and flexible so some of it is left purposely vague so it can be expanded upon a verse-by-verse basis.

the meda

the meda

the meda

the meda is a secret, global society of magic-users; they do not call themselves 'sorcerers' or 'warlocks' but those and similar words are oftentimes used by others outside of their society to describe them.they were first granted magical power when their oldest ancestors discovered the existence of the celestial being maega, who inhabits the space in which the planet earth was created. they revered and worshipped her and she, in return for their connection, granted them her power. they became the first meda, and passed down maega's power to their descendants.the meda live with and among nonmagical beings, but hide their magical existence from the public. they are actors, accountants, teachers, fully-integrated in global society — but keep their power secret."the meda" refers to regulus' people or society. it is appropriate for both the individual (ie. "he's meda") and plural (ie. "they're all meda") usage.

the dupois family

the dupois family is one of the oldest, most influential, and most powerful of the meda. it is said that their lineage can be traced back over 2,000 years.before the rise of vespera and anti-nonmagical rhetoric, the dupoises were highly thought-of scholars and innovators. they are responsible for having created the prototype of many modern magical objects, as well as countless spells and techniques. in the time before the magical and supernatural world parted from ordinary humans, the dupois family performed magical favours and services for their neighbors, helping the family to acquire vast wealth.many of the dupoises' original techniques were lost to time, and exist now only in recorded texts kept safe in an archive in the brittany region of france. the original dupois scholars were meticulous in keeping these texts. if there was ever so much as a magical whisper, it is recorded somewhere in the dupois family's archive.due to their history of collecting, trading, and creating intellectual works, art pieces, and innovations throughout the centuries, the dupois family is enormously wealthy. it is said that its members can each live 'several dozen lifetimes over' of their luxurious lifestyle without needing to work. while the number fluctuates, their collective wealth amounts to upwards of $200-billion. they are considered old money.


vespera is a group of meda extremists who believe that the meda should reveal their magic openly, rather than hide it in the shadows.the group was founded and is lead by anwir v. wiles, a powerful meda prodigy with the ability to control shadows. his talent for luring followers into his ranks is unmatched, but beneath the bravado and charm is a goal far more sinister and selfish: he seeks power for himself. vespera and all of his loyal followers are a means to that end.vespera or the vespera refers to the organization. individuals of the group are known as vesperae or, in a more derogatory manner, vespies."vespera" is latin for "dusk" and alludes to the group believing that it will be responsible for closing out the age, and bringing in the new.

the malice

a "malice" is a magic-made creature of malevolence. it is said to take the form of a "winged beast," but one has not been seen in over two millennia.the malice is loyal only to he who created it, and first takes the form of an egg. the egg will feed off of all hostility and malevolence in a given region, absorbing hateful energy until it retains enough to form a singular, complete soul, upon which time the malice is born.if the malice egg is destroyed before it hatches, the malevolence is released in the form of hostile shadow creatures. these creatures do not live long outside of the shell, as they are not in and of themselves fully-realized entities. they are, however, capable of reaping death and destruction until they are themselves destroyed.read more

dier co.

dier co. is an international luxury brands corporation owned by the dupois family. it was founded by regulus' great-great-grandfather, and has grown to generate $50-billion in revenue each year.as the family is already enormously wealthy and is considered old money, the company is entirely unnecessary to preserving their lifestyle; however, it was founded as a means to establish and maintain connections worldwide rather than only their home region, wherein the dupois family is widely-known.dier co. is the parent company to several dozen smaller companies and brands that design, manufacture and sell high-quality, luxury items to the elite and ultra-wealthy. their brands range from consumer technology, personal hygiene, home products, designer fashion, and health foods. they typically sell either to individual, wealthy consumers or spas, resorts, and other places that provide luxury services.prior to regulus' taking over the company, dier co. was known for its unethical business practices and harmful environmental impact. the family has been blasted more than once for their lack of philanthropic endeavors.

mainverse / comicverse

my mainverse is largely structured around my development in the dc comic universe. when interacting with non-comic muses, it defaults back to an urban fantasy setting in which all of his details are the same, but without the vigilante / superhero aspect.regulus is the charming and mysterious heir to his family's company, dier co., and runs its headquarters located in the northeastern united states. he attempts to right many of the wrongs his family committed and improve his company's interactions with the international world.by night he operates as the crown, a villain-turned-antihero whose ambiguous aims leave many suspicious. in reality, he continues to investigate and hunt down vesperan remnants, believing they will one day return and attempt to take over the world — again.full details


regulus is the demi-titan son of selene, titan and personification of the moon. he was born to quentin dupois and his wife emelda, regulus' adoptive mother.his birth was orchestrated by the sorceress medea, who used her influence as progeny of helios to set a prophecy into motion: that a half-blood son of the moon would become a traitor.medea believed this to mean that regulus would betray the half-bloods in favour of the titans. but, as is common with prophecies, she interpreted it wrong.full details


regulus is a sorcerer prince from lavalier, an archipelago located several thousand miles off the coast of the mainland. his people, the meda, live in isolation after having fled the mainland 700 years ago due to violent conflicts among the coastline kingdoms.regulus is now presumed dead, having joined the wrong side of lavalier's civil war and betrayed vespera in an attempt to protect his family. he fled to the mainland and attempts to hunt down the missing pieces of his family's old journal describing the "geistix hex," a treacherous, necromantic ritual. he is determined to relocate these pages and secure the hex from being used by anyone.full details


regulus is the second son of the duke of ledshire. disillusioned to his family's elitist and hateful lineage, he is determined not to marry — to let the family name die with him.following a family tragedy, regulus becomes immediate heir to the dukedom — a position he was never raised to undertake. while he is no stranger to responsibility, he feels the crushing weight of everyone's eyes fixed in his direction.full details


regulus dies betraying vespera — as the fates had intended for him. but rather than pass into the afterlife, he finds himself in narnia where a lion named aslan offers him a second chance.he finds a palace made of ice, now abandoned, and transforms it into a castle of lush green. his magic is different here, he can feel it — regulus learns to exist in this new, magical world, and discover himself along the way.full details


when the lion "leo" was being introduced to the sky, the gods wanted a special star to place at its heart. they decided to take a star from pisces, the symbol of empathy and transformation, and gift it to the lion to complete him. the star, regulus, lives in the nighttime sky as the heart of leo and remains a symbol of the bravery that is born of personal sacrifice.full details

star wars

regulus was born on dier-3 to a society of force-sensitive users who value balance above all things. and in this, they have never recognized the force as two halves, but a singular entity. but over time, throughout their long and ancient history, this society came to align itself with the sith and regulus, understanding the evil inherent in their ideals, has left them all behind.full details


agent mordred, defector of vespera — an anarchist organization that came much too close to toppling the world's largest governments. regulus is a kingsman, now, operating as their weapons and engineering officer. he is a genius in the laboratory, designing and building new gadgets that suit the agents' needs.occasionally, when the field calls for him, he answers.this verse was largely developed for a kingsman-type space but is adaptable to 007 and other spy-type settings.full details

library of the ancients

regulus is the guardian of a cosmic library, wholly removed from time and space. it has never not existed. it simply "is."the library contains every piece of knowledge that has ever been written or known, from every world and universe that has ever been. the guardians' job is to protect it from those who seek to abuse its power — but the library has a mind, too, and is capable of protecting itself.full details

alice in wonderland

regulus is known as "the duke." it is not a title the queen of hearts remembers bestowing, but he lives in his palace carved of polished onyx and regards himself the cunning fool, regardless. he is charmingly witty and infuriatingly abstract. he will offer the greatest advice, and be of absolutely no help at all.full details


the following verses are developed, but only used upon request as they are somewhat similar to and/or covered by other verses which i usually default to instead.baldur's gate iiithe elder scrollsthe woodstardew valleybbcm / arthurian legend

mains & exclusives

the mains / exclusives listed here are characters who have shaped regulus as a whole, who are a part of his mainverse, or who have otherwise developed significant relationships with him.i do absolutely write and interact with other versions of these characters.characters with ♥️ are ship-exclusive.blogs that have been inactive (without warning) for two or more months will be removed.affiliates refer to portrayals that have in some way shaped regulus' story in one or more verses, who are a "canon" part of those verses.i very rarely practice exclusivity.


jason todd — failrobin
emmeline bui — volchtsa
james yeung — storyhaunt


d'artagnan — moltolavoro
lucy pevensie — moltolavoro
jason todd — failrobin


dick grayson — fightwing
roy harper — roysenal
peter parker — webgreat
cassandra cain — batinstincts
jyn erso — sgterso
gale dekarios — recitedemise ♥️
leitha maurilya — moonsworn
rhysand cha — moonsworn
the vampire armand — mortange
jesper fahey — pistolslinger
nikolai lantsov — kcrclrezni
vasily lantsov — tsareviich
eugene fitzherbert — w4ntd
isa vargas — artisanals
lyanna stark — willfulbeauty
persephone — feylived

blogwide mains



my portrayal of regulus originated from "regulus black," a character mentioned in name only from harry potter. in his canon text he's a plot device — he dies prior to canon events and we only ever hear of him through secondhand information.based on canon text, we know for certain only the following: he was sirius black's brother, he joined voldemort at age 16, he betrayed voldemort (via stealing his locket) and died at age 18.everything else is purely speculation; regulus has a somewhat established fanon interpretation, but that is only fanon. in the books, he's an afterthought.i have been writing regulus for 5 years now and in that time i have crafted his entire personality, his mannerisms, his interests and aspirations, his overall behaviours, and the journey in personal growth that he undergoes from early childhood to adulthood. i've written an extended history for his family, i've researched and done worldbuilding around his family's various properties throughout the uk.while some of the overall themes in his story are originally from hp ("magic vs non-magic," betrayal), these themes are not unique to the hp universe and the narrative that i've created with these themes is unique to me.

name change

i am keeping the name "regulus" because i have actual lore built into the name, that i've personally researched and constructed. this lore is highly significant to his character as a person and ties to much of the symbolism worked into his narrative.his middle and last name have changed to reflect other significant parts of his character, as developed by myself.

why not make a new blog?

there is so much history on this blog, and i consider all of it to be a part of the journey to really creating and refining regulus' character. all of the headcanons i've woven throughout the years, all of the headcanons i've rewritten and reworked and outright scrapped, everything is a little piece of the puzzle that makes regulus regulus.this is not to mention all of the people who have helped to develop him in that time — those who have written with me and helped me learn about and and understand his voice, and all of the people with whom i've traded and shared ideas and inspiration for his family history. my history for regulus' family especially was heavily inspired by my friends here throughout the years.i don't want to erase or abandon all of the work that has gone into developing this character — but i do want to be transparent about where he originally came from.


this is just a record of the announcements that i've made leading up to this direction change, as revising regulus' story and building lore around the fandomless and alternate-universe spaces have been a very long time in the making.26 april 2021 – initial post2 january 2022 – revising blog focus15 april 2022 – removing hp threads18 december 2022 – all hp content, including long-standing dynamics, dropped